Governance, membership and board:
Membership of DIGIPUB is open to digital only news organizations, freelance journalists and commentariat (those who run a digital news channel or social media handle but may not have an incorporated company). The DIGIPUB board consists of a total of 9 members. 7 (voting) members will represent news organizations, 1 (non-voting) member will be a digital freelancer journalist and 1 (non-voting) member will be from the commentariat category. There will be four office holders – One Chairperson, one Vice Chairperson and two General Secretaries. All office holders to be picked by board members with a term of 2 years. Board members will be picked through an AGM.
Term of board:
Only the founding board will have all founding members for a period of two years. Over the next few years the distinction between founders and non-founders will be irrelevant as the board will be open to all members alike. The phasing out will happen as follows. Board will constitute:
Current board for 2 years.
Next 2 years: At least four founding (voting) members and three seats are open for all the non-founding members for which, the founding members also can contest.
Next 2 years: At least three founding (voting) members and four seats are open to all the non-founding members for which, the founding members also can contest.
Next 2 years: At least two founding (voting) members and five seats are open to all the non-founding members for which the founding members also can contest.
Year 8 (2028) onwards, at least one founding member and six seats are open to all the non-founding members for which the founding members also can contest.
If the ownership (control) of any of the founding organisations changes, the organisation under new ownership will reapply and unless otherwise decided, be reinstated and stay as a founding member.